Download the source code and project files (Visual C# 2013 Desktop/Arduino)
This project connects to a USB postal scale (A Dymo 25 lb. postal scale in this example) and spews out readings every few seconds in a console. It's a very simple program, obviously, just to make sure I could connect to and get readings from a scale. The program is made up two files - Program.cs and Scale.cs.
Scale.cs is almost totally derived from the code located in this stackoverflow question. Thanks very much, "user1599271"!
//Program.cs using System; using System.Threading; using HidLibrary; using Scale; using System.Timers; namespace ScaleReader { class Program { private static System.Timers.Timer aTimer; public static void Main(string[] args) { aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent; aTimer.Enabled = true; Console.WriteLine("Let the scale do it's thing..."); Console.ReadLine(); } static void OnTimedEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { decimal? weightInLb, weightInG, weightInOz; bool? isStable; USBScale s = new USBScale(); s.Connect(); if (s.IsConnected) { s.GetWeight(out weightInLb, out weightInG, out weightInOz, out isStable); s.DebugScaleData(); Console.WriteLine("Weight: {0:0.00} g", weightInG); Console.WriteLine("Weight: {0:0.00} LBS", weightInLb); Console.WriteLine("Weight: {0:0.00} oz", weightInOz); Console.WriteLine("--------------------- {0}", DateTime.Now); s.Disconnect(); } else { Console.WriteLine("No Scale Connected."); } } } }
//Scale.cs //Original code source: using HidLibrary; using System.Threading; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace Scale { class USBScale { public bool IsConnected { get { return scale == null ? false : scale.IsConnected; } } public decimal ScaleStatus { get { return inData.Data[1]; } } public decimal ScaleWeightUnits { get { return inData.Data[2]; } } private HidDevice scale; private HidDeviceData inData; public HidDevice[] GetDevices() { //The next line contains the product/vendor ID numbers for the Dymo 25lb Postal Scale, change these depdending on what scale you're using return HidDevices.Enumerate(0x0922, 0x8004).Cast().ToArray(); } public bool Connect() { // Find a Scale HidDevice[] deviceList = GetDevices(); if (deviceList.Length > 0) return Connect(deviceList[0]); else return false; } public bool Connect(HidDevice device) { scale = device; int waitTries = 0; scale.OpenDevice(); // sometimes the scale is not ready immedietly after // Open() so wait till its ready while (!scale.IsConnected && waitTries < 10) { Thread.Sleep(50); waitTries++; } return scale.IsConnected; } public void Disconnect() { if (scale.IsConnected) { scale.CloseDevice(); scale.Dispose(); } } public void DebugScaleData() { for (int i = 0; i < inData.Data.Length; ++i) { Console.WriteLine("Byte {0}: {1}", i, inData.Data[i]); } } public void GetWeight(out decimal? weightInLb, out decimal? weightInG, out decimal? weightInOz, out bool? isStable) { decimal? weight; weight = null; weightInG = null; weightInLb = null; weightInOz = null; isStable = false; if (scale.IsConnected) { inData = scale.Read(250); // Byte 0 == Report ID? // Byte 1 == Scale Status (1 == Fault, 2 == Stable @ 0, 3 == In Motion, 4 == Stable, 5 == Under 0, 6 == Over Weight, 7 == Requires Calibration, 8 == Requires Re-Zeroing) // Byte 2 == Weight Unit // Byte 3 == Data Scaling (decimal placement) // Byte 4 == Weight LSB // Byte 5 == Weight MSB // FIXME: dividing by 100 probably wont work with // every scale, need to figure out what to do with // Byte 3 //weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) + Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256) / 10; switch (Convert.ToInt16(inData.Data[2])) { case 2: // Scale reading in g weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) + Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256); weightInG = weight; weightInLb = weight * (decimal?)0.00220462; weightInOz = weight * (decimal?)0.035274; //weightInG = weightInG * (decimal?)0.625; break; case 11: // Ounces weight = (Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[4]) + Convert.ToDecimal(inData.Data[5]) * 256) / 10; weightInLb = weight * (decimal?)0.0625; weightInOz = weight; weightInG = weight * (decimal?)28.3495; break; case 12: // Pounds // already in pounds, do nothing break; } isStable = inData.Data[1] == 0x4; } } } }